
Diaeta Way: Reinventing the Way People Experience Life Through Food

Why Diaeta? The word comes from the Greek word meaning “ way of life” or “covering the earth.”

To us, Diaeta describes our way of life — living a diet of balance.

Our classes strive to create a balanced way of living through diet and lifestyles.

We offer retreats and workshops throughout the year on Martha’s Vineyard, in Vermont and in Costa Rica. These retreats are building on the foundation of health that begins with our 21 Day Cleanse.

Living in balance is about so much more than what you put on your plate. It is also about eating a plant based diet with 60 – 80 varieties of plants a week, eating only the best sourced animal proteins, getting loads of exercise, slowing down, taking the time to be, laughing, and surrounding yourself with loved ones.

Each of us is different and we have different metabolic constitutions. Diaeta is finding the way. We created the 21 day cleanse as a beginning. It is called The Journey of Renewal. We take our lead from you, our followers, when you ask questions and join us in the discussions. We are encouraged by your questions and the questions are often our next blog post or podcast. We hope we will continue on this journey together, this life-long process.

We promote the importance of …

  • buying food grown close to home
  • getting loads of exercise
  • eating a variety of plants (a minimum of 40 a week!)
  • eliminating stress
  • limiting exposure to toxins and chemicals
  • prescribing to functional medicine  

 … and finding gratitude in one’s daily life.

We are John Bagnulo and Jan Buhrman.

John brings the nutrition and the science behind our philosophies and Jan ties in the practical “how-to” of incorporating healthy recipes and lifestyle into ones life. John explores the science behind these approaches to healthy living and presents the latest research to the classes  in fun approachable ways. Jan puts it all together by teaching how to incorporate into your daily life.

In our classes you will learn about the plant based diet and how the nutrients and fibers are vital to our gut. We explain how to incorporate animal protein into our diet, by eating animals that are grown in the wild or on pasture.

Gut health is an important focus.

  • Get out there and get in the dirt
  • Breathe in the woods
  • Get the heart pumping
  • Eat loads of organic kimchi and yoghurt from heritage breed sheep, goats or cows

These are just a few of the understandings that participants walk away with after a workshop with John and Jan.

It all began in 2009 with a series of classes called When Science Hits the Pan….
We have come to offer our classes, retreats and workshops based on what participants ask for. We find our selves getting carried away with some of the ideas…

We joke about that one day we will have a class that will take a whole season – a start to finish pizza class. Start with seeds for wheat, grow the wheat, and the San Marzano tomatoes . Then “dry farm” the tomato, forage for the mushrooms,  and milk the cow, making the mozzarella from a local Guernsey cow…. we could call it  “The Slow Pizza” …


John Bagnulo

John Bagnulo MPH, PhD has worked as a nutritionist and assistant professor for the past 18 years. He has taught courses in human metabolism, food and ecology, food and culture, nutrition and disease, and nutrition and cooking, among others. He has helped hundreds of patients reverse chronic disease through whole foods. John currently teaches nutrition courses at the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Wellness (Lenox, MA) and is a faculty member for the Center for Mind-Body Medicine’s Food as Medicine courses (Washington, DC). He has a Masters of Public Health from the University of North Carolina and a Doctorate from the University of Maine. One of the foremost experts on food and health, John’s lectures and discussions place food at the center of a web that stretches from our physiology to our fields and from our ancestors to our kitchens. His talks are sure to enlighten and entertain even the most well read and informed health practitioner or culinary professional.

Jan Buhrman

Jan Buhrman, M.S. Ed., has been cooking delicious, locally sourced meals on Martha’s Vineyard for over twenty-five years.  She combines her passion for food with a love of teaching to enhance people’s understanding of their food through farm tours, cooking classes, and nutritional workshops.  All programs are designed to connect people with local food systems. All food served at each of the experiences are raised with sustainable integrity. The meals are prepared on site and made fresh for each meal. Jan has operated a full service catering company since 1987 on Martha’s Vineyard called Kitchen Porch. She is currently building a barn to house a teaching kitchen and lecture room.